Scour Beneath Pipelines Subjected to Waves and Currents (Honours Thesis)


Australian Maritime College

1/2015 – 6/2016

My role:

Performed experiments in a circulating water channel to determine the relationship between freestream velocity and velocity beneath a pipe above a scoured seabed. Assisted with field investigations in Bass Strait from commercial fishing vessel Instagator, deploying Gavia class Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), an inspection class Seabotix Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), and a sentinel Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) to determine ongoing scour propagation beneath a subsea gas pipeline. Side scan sonar data analysis in Caris.

Research Products:

  • Lee, J., McInerney, J., Cossu, R., Leong, Z., & Forrest, A. (2017). Predicting scour beneath subsea pipelines from existing small free span depths under steady currents. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science. doi.:10.1016/j.joes.2017.03.001

  • Lee, J. Y., McInerney, J. B. T., Hardjanto, F. A., Chai, S., Cossu, R., Leong, Z. Q., and Forrest, A. L. (2018) Two-Phase Model for Simulating Current-Induced Scour Beneath Subsea Pipelines at Different Initial Elevations. Proc., ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic EngineeringV009T10A021.

  • McInerney, J., Forrest, A., Lee, J., Hardjanto, F., & Cossu, R. (2016). Scour propagation beneath a subsea pipeline in high and low energy environments. Proc., Oceans, IEEE. doi.: 10.1109/OCEANS.2016.7761442

  • Manzer, K., Forrest, A., Cossu, R., Kemp, N., McInerney, J., Bowden-Floyd, I., Lee, J., Coppard, C., Hargrave, A. (2015). Free span detection in marine pipelines using an autonomous underwater vehicle. Paper presented at the Australasian Hydrographic Symposium, Cairns, Australia.

  • Kemp, N., Bowden-Floyd, I., McInerney, J., Forrest, A., Cossu, R., Manzer, K., Coppard, C., Hargrave, A. (2015). Robotic Characterization of Pipelines in a High Energy, Near-Shore Marine Environment. Presented at Society of Underwater Technology, Perth, Australia.


D.N. Foster Award, Engineers Australia National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering (2015)


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