Land-Ice-Ocean Network Exploration with Semiautonomous Systems (LIONESS) Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI)/University of California Davis/New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)/Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
10/2018 - ongoing
My role:
Leading a field team to measure turbulent microstructure and water quality parameters (including dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature, and depth) with an autonomous underwater glider in front and beneath the Nansen ice-shelf. This project has included extensive testing of field equipment in Lake Tahoe, and coordination with Teledyne Webb Research and Rockland Scientific since our team are one of the first to use employ new instrumentation firmware. The data collected are the first of their kind.
Research Products:
Friedrichs, D.M., McInerney, J.B.T., Oldroyd, H.J. et al. (2022) Observations of submesoscale eddy-driven heat transport at an ice shelf calving front. Commun Earth Environ 3, 140 .
Friedrichs, A., Forrest, A., McInerney, J., Oldroyd, H., Lee, W. S., Yoon, S. T., ... & Sepulveda Steiner, O. (2021). Submesoscale eddy-driven mixing and heat transport observed beneath the calving edge of the Nansen Ice Shelf. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting .
McInerney, J.B.T., Friedrichs, A.M., Forrest, A.L., Goodrich, C., Lavanchy, S.M., Zappa, C., Miller, U., Stevens, C.L., Lee, W.S. (2021) Observations of Ocean Mixing Beneath and Nearby the Nansen Ice Shelf. Presented at Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Association meeting. Virtual.
McInerney J.B.T., (2020), Coldwater plumes from the Nansen Ice Shelf Presented at a special seminar at New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand.
Friedrichs, A. M., McInerney, J., Forrest, A., Goodrich, C., Lavanchy, S. M., Stevens, C. L., Lee, W. S. (2020). Turbulence Signature of a Cold-Water Plume from below the Nansen Ice Shelf–an Autonomous Underwater Glider Survey. Paper presented at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020.
McInerney, J.B.T. (2019) Tracking coldwater plumes from the Nansen Ice Shelf (Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica) Presented at Polar Forum, Davis U.S.A.
McInerney, J.B.T., Forrest, A. L., Goodrich, C. S., Friedrichs, A., Lavanchy, S. M., Merckelbach, L. (2019), Applying a Dynamic Flight Model for Analysis of Underwater Glider Operations Under Ice Shelves. Presented at Teledyne Marine Technology Workshop, San Diego, U.S.A.