Effects of Internal Waves on the Benthic Boundary Layer in Large Lakes (Doctoral Research)
Environmental Dynamics Laboratory and Environmental Robotics Laboratory, Water Resources Graduate Group in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California Davis. Tahoe Environmental Research Center
9/2016 – ongoing
My role
I am determining the relationship between internal waves, the turbulence they drive, and their effect on the benthic boundary layer – a precursor to scour around subsea structures. I am developing techniques to use autonomous underwater gliders to observe both internal waves, and boundary layer turbulence and suspended sediment concentrations. I am primarily using Lake Tahoe as an observational laboratory to collect data which will lead to useful conclusions for both large lake and ocean settings.
Research Products
McInerney, J. B. T., Largier, J., Schladow, S. G., Forrest, A. L. Interseasonal Variation of Internal Waves in Lake Tahoe and their effect on suspended particulate matter and chlorophyll distribution. In preparation for Journal of Limnology
McInerney, J. B. T., Largier, J., Schladow, S. G., Sepúlveda Steiner, Lavanchy, S., Bouffard, D., Wüest, A.O., Forrest, A. L. Characterizing internal waved driven vertical velocities and temperature fields in large deep lakes using underwater gliders. In preparation for Journal of Great Lakes Research
McInerney, J.B.T., Forrest, A.L., Schladow, S.G., Largier, J., (2019) How to Fly an Autonomous Underwater Glider to Measure an Internal Wave. Proc., Oceans, IEEE. doi.: 10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962407
McInerney, J.B.T., Forrest, A.L., Largier, J., (2020), Resolution of internal wave sampling paths for autonomous underwater gliders. Presented at Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Virtual.
McInerney, J.B.T., Forrest, A.L., Schladow, S.G., Largier, J., (2019) How to Fly an Autonomous Underwater Glider to Measure an Internal Wave. Presented at IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2019 Seattle.
McInerney, J.B.T. (2019) Sediment Resuspension in the Benthic Boundary Layer. Presented at Coastal Marine Sciences Institute Research Symposium. Davis, U.S.A.
McInerney. J.B.T., Forrest, A. L., Schladow, S. G. (2019), Internal Wave Induced Sediment Resuspension in a Large Lake. Poster Presented at U.C. Davis Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Open House. Davis, U.S.A.
Forrest, A. L., Lee, K., McInerney, J.B.T., Schladow, S.G., Austin, J. (2017). Quantifying Spatial Variability in a Deep, Sub-Alpine Lake. Presented at Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, Finland
McInerney, J.B.T., Forrest, A. L., & Schladow, S. G. (2017). Trapped internal waves as a mechanism for sediment resuspension in a deep, alpine lake. Presented at the Teledyne Marine Technology Workshop, San Diego, USA
McInerney, J. B. T., Forrest, A. L., & Schladow, S. G. (2018). Seasonality of internal wave action in a large sub-alpine lake. Presented at the Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Solothurn, Switzerland.
McInerney, J.B.T. (2018) Oceanography in Lake Tahoe: the search for internal waves. Presented at Coastal Marine Sciences Institute Research Symposium. Davis, U.S.A.
Robert L. Wiegel Scholarship for Coastal Studies (2019)
Chevron Graduate Scholar Award, University of California Davis (2019)
Travel Grant to attend Physical Processes in Natural Waters Conference/visit École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Aquatic Physics Lab, UC Davis Graduate Student Association (2018)
Instrumentation Discovery Travel Grant to visit Rutgers University to work with gliders and LISSTs, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (2017)
Travel Grant to attend CALMS meeting 2017, California Lake Management Society (2017)
Chevron Graduate Scholar Award, University of California Davis (2017)
Boyd Tahoe Scholarship (2017)