Lake Geneva (Switzerland/France) Autonomous Underwater Glider Survey
Physics of Aquatic Systems Laboratory - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne/University of California Davis
6/2018 - 8/2018
My role:
Remote piloting of an autonomous underwater glider in Lake Geneva. Making measurements of turbulent microstructure, internal waves, and water quality parameters. Conducting glider operations in a challenging environment with many anthropogenic obstacles including commercial and recreational boat traffic and drift net fishing. Applying the dynamic Glider Flight model to improve micorstructure measurments.
Research Products:
Sepúlveda Steiner, O., Forrest, A. L., McInerney, J. B. T., Fernández Castro, B., Lavanchy, S., Wüest, A., & Bouffard, D. (2023). Spatial variability of turbulent mixing from an underwater glider in a large, deep, stratified lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2022JC018913.
McInerney, J.B.T., Forrest, A.L., Largier, J., (2020), Resolution of internal wave sampling paths for autonomous underwater gliders. Presented at Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Virtual.
McInerney, J.B.T., Forrest, A.L., Schladow, S.G., Largier, J., (2019) How to Fly an Autonomous Underwater Glider to Measure an Internal Wave. Proc., Oceans, IEEE. doi.: 10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962407
Steiner, O. S., Forrest, A.L., McInerney, J.B.T., Baracchini, T., Lavanchy, S., Bouffard, D., Wüest, A. (2019). Lateral variability of mixing in Lake Geneva. Poster presented at European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Steiner, O.S., Forrest, A.L., McInerney, J.B.T., Baracchini, T., Lavanchy, S., Bouffard, D., Wüest, A. (2018). Basin-scale gyres: Rotationally-driven mixing in Lake Geneva. Presented at 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern. Switzerland
Sepúlveda Steiner, O., Forrest, A. L., McInerney, J. B. T., Fernández-Castro, B., Lavanchy, S., Bouffard, D., Wüest, A. Turbulent mixing and algae patches from an underwater glider in Lake Geneva. In preparation
McInerney, J. B. T., Largier, J., Schladow, S. G., Sepúlveda Steiner, Lavanchy, S., Bouffard, D., Wüest, A.O., Forrest, A. L. Characterizing internal waved driven vertical velocities and temperature fields in large deep lakes using underwater gliders. In preparation for Journal of Great Lakes Research