Calypso Hydrothermal Vent Field - Bay of Plenty, NZ
Whakaari/White Island, currently New Zealand's most active cone volcano sits just north of the Calypso Vent filed
Characterizing the Calypso Hydrothermal Vent Field (Bay of Plenty, NZ) from NIWA’s RV Ikatere. This voyage was led by Dr Sally Watson and Dr Sarah Seabrook. We set out to map the extent of the hydrothermal vent impacts in the area, identifying bubbles in the water column using acoustics and changes in water properties measured by shipboard CTD rosette and glider Betty. A lander was also deployed to measure methane emissions from the venting. This research will help attribute greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand and determine impacts to the local area.
My Role
Glider preparation, deployment, monitoring, data recovery and data first-look. Overseeing other instrumentation preparation and field logistics.